In SAP Business One you can make budgets on accounts. With B1 Budget you can now also make budgets on Customers and Items and run Budget reports detailing Management and Sales. This means that users can easily see which part of the business are on budget and which parts are not. Customer budgets and Items budgets can be made on Customer/Item group level and/or directly at Customer/Item level.
How To Use Budget Scenarios
Budget scenarios are used for planning as well as budget tracking and reporting. They help you analyze your company’s (or division’s or department’s) financial position given certain conditions. SAP Business One allows you to define these conditions as well as determine the fiscal period duringwhich they apply. Whenever you set up a new company, a scenario called the “main budget” is created automatically. All the checks for budget deviation are done against the main budget. You can use this scenario as a basis of other scenarios, but you cannot delete the main budget scenario.