Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
SAP business one offers a simple yet powerful planningfunction to help you schedule and manage items that will be produced or purchased using a variety of criteria. SAP business one replaces informal, ad hoc, errorprone production scheduling with a more structured process using better information from bills of material, inventory data, inputs from scheduled production and purchase orders, and demand inputs from actual and forecasted orders. The software offers the following material requirements planning (mrp) functionality.
Forecasts – you can predict demand based on historical purchases, received orders, and other forecasting metrics in the mrp wizard. Forecast calculations help you anticipate demand for your product and adjust material planning accordingly.
MRP wizard – Arrange for and optimize future material requirements; manage and execute purchasing and manufactoring recommendations and exceptions by considering both minimum order quantities and order multiples, you can take advantage of purchase price breaks or standard production lot sizes and thereby reduce costs.
SAP business one is an affordable, award winning product built exclusively for small businesses. As a complete, integrated software application, SAP business one eliminates the cost and hassle of integrating multiple standalone applications. İts intuitive interface and vast configurability minimize it complexities for implementation and ongoing maintenance.Erates a recommendation report that offers advice to either make or purchase items. Numerous drilldown options let you view the net requirement calcula tions and the actual documents driving the gross requirements.
Order recommendation report – Automatically create production orders and purchase orders based on information in a recommendation report. If an item needs to be outsourced, you can readily convert a production order to a purchase order. You can also consolidate purchase orders to the same supplier into one order, further streamlining the purchasing process.